The team at Broadland Radiators would like to thank all our customers and suppliers for the support you have given us during the last 12 months. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Christmas cards are a tradition that span back many years,
Sent full of Christmas warmth to those we hold most dear.
But tradition is not our strong point and we would like to say,
We wont be sending Christmas cards as they only get thrown away.
Instead of buying cards and stamps and for your clarity,
We will make a cash donation instead to a worthwhile charity.

This year, Broadland Radiators will be making a donation to The Helping Harry Trust – a great cause that will put the money to really good use.

“New for Old” – refurbish and improve is a Broadland speciality

Full refurbishment completed on this unit for one of our valued Aberdeen clients. They sent us a “non-Broadland” radiator for a clean up and to modify to make it suit their installation better. New tanks with better mounting feet and additional sockets fitted whilst ensuring all connections, etc, fit within their existing setup – one very happy customer.

Broadland Radiators design, engineer and manufacture quality bespoke cooling systems used in a variety of applications.

Resolving customer challenges

One of our valued clients had a slight issue with room in their Genset application and asked if we could help. In the next 72 hours we re-ran calculations, redesigned the cooler, collected from customer, modified and rebuilt with new bespoke-made tanks, returned to customer and it was back in their package.

Customer said – “Chris, I looked into our final assembly shop yesterday morning and… awesome! The revised C9 radiator was back, installed and all piped up. Looks great! Thank you for putting this together for us on so short a timescale.”

Broadland Radiators design, engineer and manufacture quality bespoke cooling systems used in a variety of applications.

OE2017 – forging new relationships

Really pleased to confirm another order received from a new contact made at OE2017 – the hard work beginning to pay off!

Broadland Radiators design, engineer and manufacture quality bespoke cooling systems used in a variety of applications.

Offshore Europe – final day

Final day of #OE17 .
We have had a great exhibition and met lots of lovely people.
Our ‘can you keep your cool’ challenge is still up for grabs so make sure you pop along and see us today!

Safely home, Everyone, Every day

The health and safety of our colleagues remains one of our top priorities so we are pleased to mark the occasion of 3 years without an accident with new t-shirts and hats for everyone. Here is Sheryl looking ever so pleased to model her new t-shirt – well done to all the team, keep up the great work.


Preparations for our stand at the exhibition are taking shape and the batak competition looks like being great fun…

If you are visiting the exhibition, come and see us on stand 3D141, and why not have a go at our game to win the top prize!

Collaboration with strategic suppliers drives quality product.

We don’t just ‘say’ we work with our suppliers….we really do! Elmdale Welding And Engineering Supplies ltd ESAB Europe

At Broadland Radiators and Heat Exchangers we pride ourselves on producing products of only the very highest quality. We achieve this by truly collaborating with our fantastic suppliers.

One such example of this would be when Elmdale Welding asked if they could bring the ESAB demo bus to our yard to share some of their new products with us and other customers in the Anglia area.

Happy to help one of our favourite suppliers, here is Jamie Marshal of Broadland Radiators and Heat Exchangers Works Manager sharing a  moment with Peter Elms, Managing Director of Elmdale Welding & Engineering Supplies Ltd to discuss some of the goodies on board.

The demo bus was a great success, lots of visitors and increased exposure for both our companies.

Tough talk…

Having a serious planning meeting for the upcoming Offshore Europe exhibition at Aberdeen in September…we will be at stand 3D141 if you happen to be visiting!

Watch this space for exciting developments…

Darrell Roper welcomes Samuel Furze, the first of the UEA engineering team to participate in the new NPI programme


Broadland Radiators will be working with the University of East Anglia to share knowledge and research with a view to expanding the New Product Introduction plans of the business.

Darrell Roper, MD of Broadland Radiators, said “working in what continues to be a challenging Oil & Gas marketplace it is important for us to continue investing in adding new products to our capabilities. I am delighted to be able to work with the UEA Engineering teams to mix their knowledge and expertise with our processes and industry experience with the aim of enabling us to release new products in the near future.”

Professor Lawrence Coates, Head of Engineering at UEA, added “We are delighted to add an already experienced manufacturer of Oil & Gas equipment to the growing list of local companies who are supporting the growth of our Engineering provision.  These are exciting times for UEA as we build on our acknowledged expertise in the energy sector and develop our integrated suite of engineering degrees and related research.  We believe it is very important for the University to work with local businesses to expose all of our students to the wide variety of career opportunities available in the region.  As our continued rise up the league tables draws the spotlight we have an important role to play in helping publicise the international strengths in manufacturing in East Anglia.”

Broadland Radiators designs, manufactures and repairs a wide range of cooling systems, radiators and heat exchangers. The company has over 50 years’ experience and works with some of the world’s leading oil and gas exploration and production companies. For more details check